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The fantastic Cybathlon returns in 2020

The gates of the SWISS Arena in Kloten near Zurich will be opened for the continuation of the CYBATHLON on 2–3 May 2020, when exciting races and challenging tasks will await pilots and spectators for the second time. Races in six Disciplines After the six disciplines of the CYBATHLON 2016 have proven themselves, they will remain in the programme of…

Tailoring Smart Homes To Seniors And The Disabled

EU-funded researchers have developed an innovative, hands-free, voice-controlled system tailored for smart homes to enhance the daily lives of seniors and individuals with disabilities. This groundbreaking technology empowers users to seamlessly operate household appliances and access online resources without physically interacting with any devices. As home automation becomes increasingly prevalent and affordable, offering remote control over essential functions like heating,…

Is Your Doctor Virtually Moving In With You?

Robotics for Medicine and Healthcare is considered the domain of systems able to perform coordinated mechatronic actions (force or movement exertions) based on the processing of information acquired through sensor technology to support the functioning of impaired individuals, medical interventions, care and rehabilitation of patients and also to support individuals in prevention programs. Still, with voice-enabled artificial intelligence, tech engagement…

Just Digital Patient Engagement Or Full Active Participation?

Patients should have access to their medical records online by 2018. By 2020, this should have evolved into a digital patient engagement solution as health and social care achieve “paperless at the point of care” working practices. But is it just about engagement, or should we prepare more for active participation and ownership of health concerns and issues? Digital Transformation of…

Cybathlon 2016

Cybathlon, the first Olympic Games for bionic athletes, was hosted on 8 October 2016, in Kloten, Switzerland. This world premiere saw 74 international disabled athletes – kitted out with bionic prostheses and brain-computer interfaces – compete with each other at the specially created events. These modern-day cyborgs from 25 different countries competed in 59 different teams from all over the world. The…

Intelligent Prosthetics, How Long Before Humans Are Offered Physiological Upgrades?

An astonishing story has recently surfaced of technological progress to overcome disability, about a man called Les Baugh who lost both arms in an electrical accident 40 years ago. With the help of Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), has today a significantly reduced level of disability thanks to the development of Modular Prosthetic…

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